ACC FACS Prevention Resources
The ACC FACS booklets were first officially launched in 2017. We are pleased to announce that they have been recently updated and the latest versions are now available.
You can download the 2020 versions here;
Medicines for epilepsy, mental health, and pain can harm your unborn baby (Consumer Flyer)
Medicines for epilepsy, mental health, and pain can harm your unborn baby (Consumer Booklet)
FACS NZ has a range of other user friendly resources to provide support, education and awareness of Foetal Anti-Convulsant Syndrome.
These include:
Please contact FACS NZ if you would like any of these, or additional resources sent to you. Printed copies will incur a copy fee.
Please feel free to download either of the following files by clicking on the link.
Pre pregnancy conversation starter
Antiepileptic medications in pregnancy brochure
Care for babies exposed to antiepileptic medications booklet